I am 23 and very much single. Ok! Such a desperate start? No. Well, to be frank it is not one of those secret desires which is compelling me to remain single to achieve something great out of my life albeit I do want to accomplish something grand on this very earth. On the other hand I want to change my relationship status as well and trust me, I have been working really hard on it ever since I realized that I really need to find someone having exactly opposite traits of mine for the matter of compatibility and of opposite sex for the matter of making things simple in our country. Now, if you are ugly and boring, don’t start running funny ideas, also don’t be a judgmental jerk and brand me a chauvinist, I can be real quixotic when the situation demands. Well, opposite trait is for one simple fact I learned back at school that opposite charges attract each other, I’ve written an article over it already. As far as opposite sex is concerned I don’t think it is remotely connected to today’s scenario of dating and mating. Nowadays you can date as well as mate same sex homosapien although I’d like to clarify that I am not homophobic. But it definitely begs of a question- When a gay man proposes, do both go down on one knee? So I just surmise that life without women would be a “real pain in the arse”.
Folks, I know I haven’t written anything lately and I m not sorry for that. I also know that you don’t give a lazy damn article to whatever I say. But just for the sake of clarification, I wasn’t busy with work, wasn’t traveling also, wasn’t involved with anybody (no matter how hard I try… ain’t gonna happen), paucity of ideas umm ummm, naaah, I have ideas… Big & Gr8 ideas (I think so). Then what? Man it was like I was bored with this whole concept of blogging shit online. I started blogging just to get rid of my daily routine of killing time through roaming out with friends, bird watching at high places etc etc. again I changed my routine through writing stuff, I’d almost convinced myself that I could write a book. Trust me, that’d been a disaster even if I’d had rated it against Dolly Bindra; for the record she can be cool sometime, whatever. Yeah so even if I’d managed to write it up somehow, nobody would have read it. And by scintilla size chance, it’d had been purely supernatural to have readers reading it out. But Blog-villa gave this platform where I shared few ideas, received applauds and criticism on equal counts. Praises for the undemanding things I presented in very complicated manner, which later become so confusing and frustrating that people who praised at the first place started criticizing. We better not touch this sensitive issue because I don’t want to blame them for being simply unprofessional.
So after writing up few articles (I love to call them articles, but others call them crap, bullshit, thisShit, thatShit, etcShit-etcShit) I changed my vision and started engaging myself in outdoors activities. Well that’s another slew of interesting (I guess) stories which I’ll be soon writing about. And yeah, work on the 4th chapter has been started that too will be coming shortly after.